A Bronx Summer by Frances Browner

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When Kaye Butler’s life falls asunder, she heads for the new world, and starts again.

A wry, humorous, authentic, ‘innocent abroad’ look at a young woman’s emotional and sexual transformation; in the vein of Colm Tobin’s Brooklyn, with an 80s soundtrack. A Bronx Summer explores a life that was left behind, and the promise of a new one, capturing the Irish in New York during their last significant influx of immigration to America.



Frances Browner is a poet and writer and her work has appeared in various publications, including The Ogham Stone, and she has also had short stories and memoir pieces broadcast on radio. Her writing career now encompasses her first novel A Bronx Summer, published by the Limerick Writers’ Centre.  Her connection to Limerick is deeply rooted through her grandfather, Con Browner, who had a remarkable life, serving as a reporter with the Limerick Leader, intelligence officer, and more. Her father, Connie Browner, excelled academically and had a successful sporting career, while Frances herself was born in Cork on Bloomsday and grew up with a strong passion for English.

Frances’s journey took her to Paris as an au pair, igniting her bohemian spirit. Upon returning to Ireland, she pursued a degree in English and History, spent two decades in New York, and began her writing career. Her work has been published and broadcast, including a collection of stories titled “You Could’ve Been Someone” and a poetry collection called “Roots & Wings” from Revival Press.

Frances Browner’s family history is rich, and her connection to Limerick is profound. She has contributed to Limerick’s literary scene and remains active in its cultural celebrations