Ar An Leoithne / On The Breeze by Tomás Ó Coileáin / Thomas Collins

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á an Coileánach le moladh as an gcur chuige dátheangach atá aige sa leabhar seo. Is cnuasaigh dhátheangacha iad go leor de na cnuasach a tháinig chugainn ó fhilí Ghaeilge na hAlban le ceithre scór éigin bliain anuas. Mar is ceart! Cá bhfios cad atá i ndán don Choileánach, mar fhile, nó cá bhfuil an leoithne á threorú?

                                – Gabriel Rosenstock, file, scríbhneoir, aistritheoir, agus ball d’Aosdána)

‘…/I have to stop / to tease a thorn from my finger or thumb.’ — as the poet teases words from theeveryday things and invites the reader to savour this precious life within.Is ea filíocht ón gcroí atá ag canadh i ngach dán in “Ar An Leoithne”.

                                           – Bernadette Gallagher, poet, author of “The Risen Tree” (2024)

Beautiful lyrical poems in Irish and English about life, nature, pain and human experience. Collins manages to combine profound local and global themes, expertly presented in two languages

                                                     – Professor Eoin Devereux, writer.


Thomas Collins (Tomás Ó Coileáin) is a writer, teacher, poetry editor, father, and semi-retired goalkeeper from Limerick City. His debut collection in English, “Inside Out“, was published by Revival Press in 2020. Poems in Irish and English have appeared in Comhar, Irisleabhar Mhá Nuad, The Stony Thursday Book, Revival Poetry Journal, The Ogham Stone, Scothsmaointe Gan Smál, and chapbooks from the Stanzas creative writing collective.